What is live-in care?
24hr Live in Care Service
At Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead live-in care is provided by a dedicated and experienced live-in care assistant who lives with you in your home. It is widely preferred to residential or nursing care due to the unmatched level of one-to-one care and support you receive in what are familiar and comfortable surroundings.
We understand that it can be a daunting prospect to have someone living in your home but, we’re confident we can make the experience as easy as possible.
- A manager or team leader visits with you and your family and support network initially to design a support plan that fits your life and is individually tailored to your wants and needs.
- Your care is arranged on your terms and is designed to meet your lifestyle:
- How you interact with your family and friends, how and when you visit with them.
- What time you like to eat your meals.
- When you want to go out and about.
- What hobbies you pursue.
- What your medication and exercise needs are.
- What you did throughout your life, your memberships, groups and associations.
- Your religious beliefs and how you want support to observe them.
Importantly we wanted to point out that there is often some misunderstanding when talking about 24-hour and live-in care as there are slight differences between the two.
24-hour care is round-the-clock care, where you receive constant contact and support every hour of the day and through the night from an experienced team of care assistants that never sleep. For the best possible consistency and familiarity, we aim for a minimum of 2 carers for each 24-hour period.
Live-in care is undertaken by a single live-in care assistant who lives with you in your home, for up to six weeks at a time, supporting your needs during the day and then sleeping at night. The sleep is important so that the carer is rested and ready to care for you to the best of their ability the next day. However, everyone is made aware that if a customer has an emergency, during the night the carer can obviously be called upon.
Our live-in care assistants provide each customer with a bespoke care experience tailored to their specific needs and preferences, keeping your familiar friends, family, and belongings around you. No upheaval, no stress, and no trouble.
These are some of the types of support we offer and care we are experienced at providing live-in customers across our local community:
Personal care | Medication | Meal preparation | Mobility Support | Shopping | Household chores | Outings or visiting family | Assistance with light exercise and outdoor activity | Companionship | Waking night care | Transfers using a hoist | Respite care | Dementia care | Parkinson's care | Complex Care | End of life care | Home from hospital | Support following a stroke | Stoma care | Catheter care | PEG feeding.
We’re here to help you live your life the way that you want. If your needs change at any time, we can respond quickly to any requirements that you have.
For more information about our live-in care and support service, please contact our friendly team on 020 3958 4153 or complete our contact us form and we will be in touch.