As an award-winning provider of Home Care and Live-in Care services, we are here to provide the help and support you need, whether that's in the short or long term. We know that choosing the right kind of care is one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make and that's why our team will work with you to find a solution that meets your needs.
Newport & South Monmouthshire
About Us
Bluebird Care opened its doors in Newport in 2013. Since then, we have firmly established ourselves in our local community - providing care and support for hundreds of customers. 100% of customers surveyed said that they would recommend us.
Bluebird Care opened its doors in Newport in 2013. Since then, we have firmly established ourselves in our local community - providing care and support for hundreds of customers. 100% of customers surveyed said that they would recommend us.

Our Approach
Home is familiar. Home is comforting. Quite simply, home is exactly where we want to stay. That's why at Bluebird Care, our team is dedicated to providing the support needed to remain independent at home - avoiding the stress and upheaval that can often be associated with moving into residential care.

Our Values
We put our customers first. Our services are flexible to respond to changing needs and priorities. We work together with families to keep our customers in control of their own care for as long as they are able. We keep in regular contact, so that you will get to know and trust our team. Building a relationship that you can trust and rely upon is central to how we manage our business.

Dedicated to Quality
Our whole team is dedicated to providing the very best home care service. Unlike introductory agencies, we employ our own staff and train them to the highest standards. After a thorough recruitment process, all our Care Assistants undergo an extensive induction training course before further training in the field with our most experienced team members. We support, develop and supervise them continuously to ensure they are providing the very best care. Our team works hard to build a warm rapport with our customers and all our carers apply their skills with time and complete attention - something that staff in busy residential care homes sometimes struggle to match.

Care for the 21st Century
Here at Bluebird Care Newport & South Monmouthshire, e-technology has replaced paper-based systems. Our staff follow digital care plans on their mobile devices using the latest electronic care management software. Our investment in 'One Touch ®' technology allows us to provide a safe, responsive and consistent service to all our customers. Family members can participate in and monitor care from anywhere in the world via a mobile app that provides access to care plans, notes and schedules. This not only promotes openness and transparency - it provides reassurance for you and/or your family and allows our team to deliver excellent standards of care.
I highly recommend Bluebird Care Newport. They are an amazing company!
JJ, Daughter of Customer (Newport & South Monmouthshire)