Customer Survey Results for Birmingham North Branch

Very Positive Customer Survey Results for Birmingham North Branch


Very Positive Customer Survey Results for Birmingham North Branch

Very Positive Customer Survey Results for Birmingham North Branch

We value the excellent work of our team who do a fantastic job in supporting our customers and carry out bi-annual surveys to give them an opportunity to share their views of how we are doing.

We are pleased to announce that our latest Customer survey indicates very positive results, with 100% of respondents indicating that they were satisfied with the service they receive from Bluebird Care.


In addition, 100% of Customers indicated that they were treated with respect and politeness.

Here are the results from the Survey


All the customers of Birmingham North Branch participated in the survey.


Are you satisfied with the service you receive from Bluebird Care?


Are all tasks on the care plan completed at each visit?

Are the tasks carried out properly and professionally?

Do care workers treat you with respect and politeness?

Do all your Care Workers arrive on time?