Our Bluebird Care Hero: Fate and a fortunate turn of events!

Published: 03/10/2017

​25th September 2017 was an eventful day for SJ, Support Supervisor at our Bluebird Care Brighton & Hove office. Responsible for the on-call duties on the day SJ had taken a phone call from a Care Worker to say that a customer’s, Mrs E, medication had not been delivered by the pharmacy...and she saved the day.

25th September 2017 was an eventful day for SJ, Support Supervisor at our Bluebird Care Brighton & Hove office. Responsible for the on-call duties on the day SJ had taken a phone call from a Care Worker to say that a customer’s, Mrs E, medication had not been delivered by the pharmacy.
SJ, keen that the customer should have her right medication drove to the pharmacy to pick up and deliver the medication to the customer’s home.
On arrival, SJ found Mrs E in a compromised state having a suspected hypoglycaemic attack. SJ’s training came to the fore, she calmly called for an ambulance, kept Mrs E  safe and waited for the paramedics to arrive. The paramedics gave Mrs E the treatment and attention she needed. Upon leaving they had said to SJ that if she had not arrived when she did Mrs E would not have survived!
Pictured is SJ with flowers from the Bluebird Care (Brighton & Hove) management in recognition of her heroine credentials! Congratulations SJ – lifesaver!

We are glad to report that Mrs E remains well and fully recovered.