Mock Interview Simulation Day

Published: 27/10/2015

Friday 23rd October 2015 saw Gary and Michelle Johnson taking part in a Mock Interview Simulation in support of Seahaven Academy.

Friday 23rd October 2015 saw Gary and Michelle Johnson taking part in a Mock Interview Simulation in support of Seahaven Academy.
The purpose of the day was to help current students of the Academy to understand the what is needed to apply for a job and to experience an interview situation in preparation for employment. Students completed generic application forms, for the interviewers to form the basis of the interview.
Gary and Michelle each worked with a small group of students, each interview lasted for around 15 minutes and then the Students were given feedback on their performance and appearance.
Michelle said after the events: an educationalist and someone who believes wholeheartedly in the opportunities education and learning bring I was delighted to support the Academy with this worthwhile project. I have met some very interesting young adults, who I am sure will be able to make very valuable contributions to their local communities when they leave school.