Meet the team


Registered Manager

Daphne began her career in the Care sector in 2004 as an Administrator for a Care Coordinator of a large provider delivering mainly Social Service contracts, working her way up to becoming a Coordinator in her own right. This has proven to be invaluable experience, as Coordination is very much the “engine room” of any home care agency!


Since then, she has worked as a Care Supervisor, Service Quality Assessor and Deputy Manager, working mostly with palliative care patients and with young adults with special needs.


Daphne joined Bluebird Care in October 2019 as a Field Care Supervisor, though given her extensive experience was quickly asked to oversee the Live-in Care side of the business, before being promoted to Deputy Manager, and most recently to Registered Manager.


Daphne feels Bluebird Care Bromley provides an exceptional standard of care for its customers, and that within the office, everyone has confidence in their colleagues as part of a high-performing team, which facilitates a positive working environment in which everybody pulls together and no one gets left behind.


Outside of work Daphne enjoys cooking and spending time with her children, and ever-increasing brood of grandchildren!


Deputy Manager

Jordanna has been involved in the Care sector from a young age, joining straight from school and completing her NVQ Level 3 in Health & Social Care studying full time at college. She has since worked with older adults and young adults with learning difficulties and physical disabilities, and as a Job Coach, helping students to prepare for and gain employment.


She joined Bluebird Care Bromley in 2019 as a Care Assistant before joining the office team, firstly as a Field Care Supervisor on the Live-in Care team, tasked with paying weekly check-in visits to customers and providing support to carers out in the field, and later performing a similar role on the Day Care team.


In 2022, Daphne appointed Jordanna as her Deputy Manager. As DM, Jordanna’s role is to support Daphne with her responsibility to keep the agency compliant with the CQC’s regulations, and to oversee the team of Supervisors, who collectively carry out new customer assessments, write care plans, manage relationships with customers, relatives and involved healthcare professionals, and enable the agency’s community Care Assistants to provide safe and effective care and support.


Care Supervisor

Veronica began her career in Care over 20 year ago, starting out as a Care Assistant and then moving to an administrative role as a Field Care Supervisor – overseeing the work of colleagues out in the field.


She joined Bluebird Care Bromley in April 2021 as Care Service Manager, responsible for overseeing the delivering a high standard of care to customers on the Western side of the borough, and for managing the relationships with those customers, their families and any involved healthcare professionals. 

Veronica’s approach to Care has been shaped in part being a carer and support system for a family member. As such, Veronica understands the importance of putting the customer at the centre of the process, and ensuring that the Care package she’s creating for someone is the most appropriate to their needs and preferences.

A large part of Veronicas role is supervising and mentoring care staff out in the field, Veronica brings years of experience as she has herself been a carer, she knows the importance of treating each customer as an individual and supporting independence.

Veronica has found the team welcoming and supportive and is happy to be part of an organisation that shares her values.




Field Care Supervisor

Kayleigh joined Bluebird Care as a Care Assistant in 2018, she says with “no prior experience in care at all – aside from caring for my then 4-year-old daughter” – which of course qualified her very well! Kayleigh quickly progressed from Care Assistant to Senior Carer, Mentor (to new inductees), and is now Field Care Supervisor.


As many who join the office from the Care will attest, she says it’s certainly eye-opening seeing how the other side works! Her role is varied, involving field-based supervisions, Care review meetings with customers and back-office administration. She also rolls her sleeves up and covers Care visits when needed, which she still enjoys.


What she really enjoys about office life is the “camaraderie”; everyone gets involved and works together as a team to provide the best care for our customers.


She’s enjoying being part of the office team, she feels Bluebird has helped her progress so much in such a short time, and she continues to learn and gain new skills every day.



Care Coordinator

Sinead started her care career in 2016, she had various roles before joining Bluebird Care in 2021 as a Care Coordinator.

Sinead enjoys her role, she feels a large part of her role is building relationships with the care team and her customers, Sinead says ‘I enjoy going out in the field and getting to know our customers and putting a friendly face to the name.’

Sinead’s role is busy and sometimes challenging but she feels fully supported by her office team, she enjoys coming into work and facing any challenges that come her way.



Care Coordinator

Coral joined Bluebird Care Bromley as a coordinator in early 2024, her role is to orchestrate the delivery of care services to her customers. A challenging role but one that she takes great pride in.


Coral has worked within the care industry for several years and believes that every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, she goes above and beyond to ensure that this principle is upheld in every interaction.  Her journey into the healthcare industry has been fuelled by a deep-rooted desire to make a positive impact in people’s lives, particularly those who require extra care and support.


Coral states “I am more than just a care Coordinator, I want to bring happiness and care to those who we support, with my compassion and dedication I want to make a meaningful difference, one smile at a time”


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