
Showing results 55 - 63 (of 124)

Staying Well in a Heatwave

We all know the hot weather will be back sooner rather than later. Here are a few tips to help you, or someone you care for, stay cool, safe and well in a heatwave.


Finding Health Advice and Support

Living with a health condition has its challenges but there is a lot of advice and support out there if you know where to look. Here are some websites that might come in handy.


Foot Care Tips

Do you give your feet the attention they deserve? Here’s how a simple, regular foot care routine could help you avoid some of the most common (and painful) foot problems.


Could You Spot the Symptoms of Anaphylaxis?

Would you know how to identify the symptoms of anaphylaxis and how to deal with what is a serious medical emergency?


Are You Stretching Enough?

Stretching can have a wide range of health benefits and help reduce the risk of falls but it’s something many of us don’t do enough of. So, why not add more stretching to your daily routine?


The Benefits of Night Care

Do you feel vulnerable or need more support at night? Night care could be the answer. Here are some of the many benefits of using care at night services.


8 Socially Distanced Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Week

The smallest act of kindness can make a huge difference. Here are a few socially distanced ideas for spreading a little happiness in Random Acts of Kindness Week this February.


Understanding Arthritis

Arthritis is a very common condition affecting millions of people in the UK. Here we look at the two most common forms and what you can do to reduce your risk of developing the condition.


Merry Xmas 2020 everyone!

A few Xmas treats for our wonderful customers at the end of a year to forget!


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