
Showing results 118 - 126 (of 246)

Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead is taking part in Macmillan Cancer World's Biggest Coffee Morning

On Friday 25th September Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead will be backing Macmillan Cancer Support by encouraging customers and staff to share their ‘coffee selfies’ on social media.


Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead supports World Alzheimer’s Day 2020

Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead is supporting World Alzheimer’s Day on Monday 21st September.


Ever thought about a career in care?

Our job opportunities got a special mention in the Sun newspaper recently!


We’re in ‘Tomorrow’s Care’ magazine

The coronavirus pandemic has brought many changes to the way we do things, including our recruitment process!


Bluebird Care backs Professional Care Workers Week!

Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead is celebrating Professional Care Workers’ Week 2020 which runs from 1st - 4th September.


Bluebird Care backs August Allotment fun!

Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead is going green this August by backing National Allotments Week, which runs from 10th – 16th of the month


Coronavirus Update       

We are writing to keep you up to date with the latest information concerning Coronavirus and our plans for the foreseeable future.


Bluebird Care backs Age UK’s ‘Switched Off’ campaign to save free TV for Older People

Bluebird Care Camden & Hampstead is supporting Age UK’s ‘Switched Off’ campaign, which aims to save the over 75’s from having to pay a TV licence.


Local homecare provider ‘goes the extra mile’ with compassionate care

As we get older, life starts to slow down and often that leads loneliness – one of the greatest challenges facing our community today!


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