Testimonials & case studies

At Bluebird Care Canterbury & Thanet we offer a personal, professional service to you and your family. We are determined to deliver the best possible care for every single person and are delighted when we receive positive feedback from our customers, their families and friends.

Please read on to learn what people have to say about us.


"When I first started having carers they used to come in and put me to bed a bit early. I contacted the agency and this was sorted out immediately".

"If the staff have not been here before they always sit and have a read of my care plan and ask me how I like things done".

"I am very fortunate. I receive excellent care. I am well looked after".

"My wife and I were involved with everything from the beginning. Any thing we need the staff sort out for us".

“The staff always speak and chat to my wife. They tell her everything they are going to do. She trusts them".

 "I have had care from other agencies and these are the best ".

"The girls go over and beyond the call of duty".

"They always turn up .They never let me down".

"The staff stay for the allotted time and they are very good about staying longer if you need them to".

"If they are going to be late they ring and let me know".

“When I need someone quickly I just ring the agency and they get a member of staff to come as quickly as possible. I don't have to wait long.”

All the above were recorded in our CQC Inspection

Showing results 17 - 18 (of 18)

“I feel that I’m able to have my life back now we’ve changed to Bluebird Care. The carers keep a close eye on all xxxxx’s needs and there are never any issues of what to do. “ 

Told to our supervisor by the father of a severly disabled woman who has live in care

At Head First we meet each month for a full clinical review of all of the clients on our caseload…  At Christmas each year we also have an informal awards ceremony; where we nominate various people and organisations for various things over the past 12 months. 
One of the categories for nominations is Best Agency. We have something like 100 clients around the country, and obviously work with a number of agencies. I and others nominated your branch of Bluebird Care for this award for your work with J and S C, and it is my pleasure to tell you that you won that award.

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