
Showing results 55 - 63 (of 73)

We hosted a Coffee Morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support

The event was a great success with wounderful cakes, tasty treats and a raffle.   We would like to thank everyone who came and who donated. WE ARE VERY PLEASED THAT WE COULD HELP TO CHANGE LIVES!!!


Our Memory Walk

TEAM BLUEBIRD MEMORY WALK On Sunday 26th our office team walked from at The Chilton Tavern Ramsgate to The Bell in Sandwich, 13,000 steps, 6 miles and 2 hours later they completed the #memorywalk for the Alzheimer’s Society in the rain, they were soaked!! WELL DONE LADIES!!!Thank you to everyone who has sponsored us or donated.


A Story of Success

8 years ago today we were lucky enough to employ Frances Atherden as a part time Care Assistant and we have never looked back.  During her time with us, she has gone from strength to strength and been promoted through several roles culminating in becoming our Registered Care Manager. Frances is a kind and caring individual who is passionate about the work she does, in whatever role she is in.  She is certainly an assest and we hope that she will be with us for many years to come. To read her story in her own words, select the read more option.


Join Our Team...

The demand for home care is increasing all the time with people living longer and cuts to local authority social care budgets means there is an ever increasing number of people requiring care in their own home.  This, leaves us continually needing more and more Care Assistants to help and support our customers.  We never like to be in the position of turning away anyone who needs care.  


Macmillan Coffee Morning

Helping to raise money and awareness for Macmiilan Cancer Support and the amazing work that they do supporting people affected by cancer. LETS HELP CHANGE LIVES!


Memory Walk for the Alzheimer’s Society

Our office team are currently in the process of arranging a Memory Walk for the Alzheimer’s Society, in order to help raise awareness and funds for a world without dementia.  


FREE Dementia Friends Sessions

In order to raise awareness of dementia we are running 4 FREE Dementia Friends Sessions.  The sessions are open to anyone interested. There is more to a person than the dementia!



The population of older people across the UK is increasing year on year, with 61% of individuals with low care needs now accessing this service in their own home. In response to this, we have launched our Autumn & Winter recruitment drive.   Over the last few years there has been a real shift in people choosing care at home rather than residential care across the social care sector, with statistics from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) showing domically care agency registrations leaping from 8,219 to 8,517 in just 16 months.


Constantly Working To Improve Our Services To You

We are currently  introducing the PASS System which brings care planning on-line and provides real-time quality monitoring of care in the community.  Once rolled out, your carers will receive all the information about your care via their mobile phone.  This means that your carers will have the most up to date information.  Our team members will still be visiting and providing the same high level of care and support to you, but will now be entering care notes onto their mobile device.  This means that your carers and the management team will get the most up to date information ‘in real time’ therefore allowing us deal with any issues quickly. The use of the PASSsystem will enable us to provide even better support to you and help us in our aim to continually enhance the service we provide to you.


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