Devon Council Cabinet Members supports Bluebird Care Recruitment Campaign

Published: 19/12/2018

Our team of #devonbluebirds is growing!  To meet the increasing demand for care services across our areas we have successfully recruited an additional 20 staff in the last 3 months.  With industry leading retention we believe that this will mean a sustained increased capacity that we can offer the community looking for quality home care provision in Exeter, East Devon and Exmouth.

Our team of #devonbluebirds is growing!  To meet the increasing demand for care services across our areas we have successfully recruited an additional 20 staff in the last 3 months.  With industry leading retention we believe that this will mean a sustained increased capacity that we can offer the community looking for quality home care provision in Exeter, East Devon and Exmouth.

Speaking to Bluebird Care about the Home Care market in Devon, the County Council’s Cabinet Member responsible for adult social care, Cllr Andrew Leadbetter said: “Demand in Devon for adult social care is one of the highest in the UK, and in particular for people living in their own homes.

“It’s fantastic to hear that Bluebird Care are actively recruiting new homecare staff and helping to address the care shortage in their catchment areas.  

“We want to make communities aware of this shortage. And we want to encourage people to consider new careers in care, or a return to it for people who have previously left it.”
We would echo Cllr Leadbetter’s comments and urge people to contact us about a career in Home Care – for those curious about the role we do now offer “taster” sessions where you can spend time with a senior team member on duty in the community.

If you are interested or know someone interested in a career in Home Care please contact any of our teams:
Exeter – 01392 426006, East Devon – 01404 814880, Exmouth – 01395 570003