Talk Care 2018

Published: 16/05/2018

Our regional Talk Care 2018 campaign is set to launch in June, supported by Devon Life magazine. This year, it's all about wisdom- and the passing on of that wisdom.   

Our regional Talk Care 2018 campaign is set to launch in June, supported by Devon Life magazine.

This year, it's all about wisdom- and the passing on of that wisdom.

Why #TalkCare?

Despite the need for care and support as we get older being inevitable - it still remains a conversation that we're either simply not having or leaving far too late.

At Bluebird Care Exmouth, we want to start a new type of conversation about care. A care conversation that is positive, informative, open-minded, inclusive and above all, hopeful.




Talk Care 2018

After the success of our regional Talk Care 2017 campaign, our ambition in 2018 is to continue the conversation about care. But this time, we are turning the spotlight on the people we care for - our customers and the older generations living amongst our villages, towns and cities in Devon.

A group of people whose voices aren't often heard in our youth-centred culture. These are the people we want to #talkcare with this year.

In a series of short films, to be launched on 12th June, we get the conversation started by asking our customers for their snippets of wisdom to share - personal achievements; motivating thoughts, life lessons learnt.

Out of this project we hope to help stimulate and provoke a general conversation on ageing. To help people think and articulate what they really want as they age. About what's important to them or what they're uncertain of.

Above all, we want to help ignite conversations amongst Devon families, where older members are seen as possessing an exciting wealth of experience, knowledge and wisdom. We need to make sure this wisdom is passed on to the next generation.

The #TalkCare 2018 campaign will focus on the shared wisdom of older generations that lies beneath the surface of our local communities - and will pass this on for the next generation.