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Legal Information

Making decisions about your health care, home care, and housing needs can be difficult and costly. However, putting measures in place early and planning early for your future needs is crucial as you grow older and can put your mind at ease, knowing that there is something or someone to protect and take care of you and your affairs when you no longer can.

Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting power of attorney is a legal document which gives someone you trust the authority to make decisions for you and act on your behalf if you are no longer able or willing to make your own decisions. Without an LPA, partners and family have no legal right to represent you. 

There are two types of lasting power of attorney:

  • Property and Financial Affairs LPA - the power to deal with and make decisions such as buying or selling property, financial accounts and tax welfare.
  • Health and Welfare LPA - the authority to make decisions relating to where you live, day-to-day care, your healthcare treatment. 

LPA is a crucial decision for anyone diagnosed or developed an illness that might prevent you from making a decision yourself sometime in the future. These may include dementia, mental health problem and brain injury.

Click here to find out more about Lasting Power of Attorney on the gov.uk website.

Living Wills

A living will, also known as an advanced decision, allows you to express your wishes about the care you receive and medical treatment at the end of your life. This decision is legally binding, and those caring for you must follow your instructions. Living wills are only used if you lose the capacity to decide on your treatment. Having a Living Will removes the burden from your family and makes it crystal clear how you would like to be treated, and it’s a statement that works anyway for you.

Wills & Probate

A Will is a legal document which states clearly who should get your property, possessions and money when you pass away. This will prevent unnecessary distress for your family and friends at an already difficult time.

Without a will, your property, possessions and money will be distributed accordingly by law instead your dying wish. Don’t let this happen to you. The Money Advice Service has excellent advice on making wills.

Click here for government advice on making a will.

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