Alzheimer's Society Skydiving fundraiser

Published: 04/07/2024

The Bluebird Care team are taking part in an Alzheimer's Society Skydiving fundraiser

We need your help some of our brave members of your local Bluebird Care team are taking part in an Alzheimer's Society Skydiving fundraiser later this year and they need help in trying to reach the fund-raising goal.

Alzheimer's is a disease that affects more than 944,000 people in the UK alone and over 55 million worldwide, dementia is a condition which as of 2024 has no cure and for it to affect that many people we here at Bluebird Care believe it is very important to ensure research have as much funding as it possibly can.

Dementia itself is an umbrella term used to describe over 200 different conditions including Alzheimer's, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia and frontotemporal dementia being the most common forms. As such it makes finding a cure a very complex issue.

Dean, Becky and Lisa will all be taking part in the skydive its sure to be an experience they won’t soon forget and one that is all for a great cause in the end what more could you ask for what more could you ask for.

Any amount will do no matter how big or small as it'll all to a fantastic cause by helping with Alzheimer's and Dementia research, they all have a goal of £430 each and we know with your support we can smash it so come on let's beat dementia together.


Here are the links to the respective fundraisers:

Dean’s fundraiser

Becky’s fundraiser

Lisa’s fundraiser