
Showing results 37 - 45 (of 58)

Bluebird Care Harrow is supporting 2017’s Nutrition & Hydration Week

Bluebird Care Harrow is supporting this year’s Nutrition & Hydration Week which runs from 13–19 March 2017.


Bluebird Care Harrow visit customers to spread some cheer on Christmas Day

On Christmas Day Ushma, director of Bluebird Care Harrow visited some customers who live without families to spread some cheer and delivered some Chocolates and also to ensure they were not alone on this day.


Christmas Celebration at Bluebird Care Harrow

On December 17th our care assistants and the office team came together to celebrate Christmas over Dinner.


Bluebird Care Harrow launch campaign in light of increased need for care assistants this winter

The recent poll carried out by Bluebird Care discovered that a startling 1.3 million people across the UK are lonely, so in response to this Bluebird Care Harrow has launched an Autumn & Winter recruitment drive.


Bluebird Care Harrow support National Eye Health Week

Bluebird Care Harrow is supporting National Eye Health Week which takes place from 19th - 25th September 2016.


Bluebird Care Harrow support Deafblind Awareness Week 2016

Bluebird Care Harrow is supporting Deafblind Awareness Week 2016, an annual event run by the charity Deafblind UK, from the 27 June - 3 July 2016.


Bluebird Care Harrow support RA Awareness Week 2016

Bluebird Care Harrow is supporting RA Awareness Week (RAAW) 2016, an annual campaign led by National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society, from 13-19 June.


Bluebird Care Harrow support Diabetes Awareness Week

Bluebird Care Harrow is supporting Diabetes Awareness Week 2016, an annual campaign led by Diabetes UK, from 12-18 June.


Bluebird Care Harrow support Carers Week 2016

Bluebird Care Harrow is supporting Carers Week 2016, an annual campaign which takes place from 6-12 June.


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