Keep Warm, Keep Well!

Published: 07/11/2018

 Keeping warm and keeping well go hand in hand, which why, here at Bluebird Care Hounslow & Chiswick we are giving smartphone friendly gloves to all our Care Assistants. Not only will the gloves be keeping their hands warm, they will also allow the staff to use their Pass app (our revolutionary paperless care management app) on their phones whilst they are wearing the gloves!

Keeping warm and keeping well go hand in hand, which why, here at Bluebird Care Hounslow & Chiswick we are giving smartphone friendly gloves to all our Care Assistants.

Not only will the gloves be keeping their hands warm, they will also allow the staff to use The Pass (our revolutionary paperless care management app) on their phones whilst they are wearing the gloves!

Those little touches can make all the difference in keeping well this winter. Autumn is already passing in a blur of falling leaves and crisp mornings. Before we know it, the frosty nights of winter will be creeping in on us.

It’s easy to forget but even if it’s not the peak of winter, a little cold weather can still make you a lot more susceptible to certain illnesses.

Our Care Assistants are always on hand to offer helpful advice and warnings on the winter weather. There are a few things you can do to make sure yourself and your companions are warm enough this winter:

  • Keep your appetite up! Even if you aren’t a natural born chef, including a range of fruit and vegetables alongside a hearty hot dinner will go a long way. Remember that frozen vegetables are as good as fresh.
  • Keep moving! It’s oh, so easy to become lethargic in the winter time, and spent your days cocooned next to the radiator but finding little ways to get moving will not only keep you fitter, it will keep your body warm.  Even little actions like spreading your chores throughout the day, or getting up to make a hot soup or cup of tea can make that vital difference in keeping your body temperature up.
  • Although it might not sound logical, several thin layers of clothing will keep you warmer than one thick layer, as the layers trap warm air. Not that we are suggesting you throw away your cosy woollies, but remember, to be really warm you’ll need layers, layers, layers!
For more hints and tips on keeping warm this winter click here