Life In The Office - International Ice Cream Day 2017

Published: 21/07/2017

​We have an incredible team of staff and have taken the opportunity to do something a bit different following on from International Ice Cream Day on 16th July.

We have an incredible team of staff and have taken the opportunity to do something a bit different following on from International Ice Cream Day on 16th July and as part of our summer hydration campaign.
As well as having staff available in a local McDonalds to treat Care Assistants to a McFlurry, we made the most of it with some refreshing Ice Creams - Twisters were the flavour of choice.
Jade, Care Manager, said:

It is important to create a positive working atmosphere and we take every opportunity to do so!
As a team, we work extremely closely together and I feel privileged to work with such a great group of people.