Off For Lunch With Violet!

Published: 26/06/2018

We are proud to regularly take customers on special individual outings and we recently arranged for Care Assistant Claudia to take her customer off out for lunch! Violet lives on her own and does not manage to get out of the house so Claudia reserved a table for her at The Hare on Langton Green.

We are proud to regularly take customers on special individual outings and we recently arranged for Care Assistant Claudia to take her customer off out for lunch!

Violet lives on her own and does not manage to get out of the house so Claudia reserved a table for her at The Hare on Langton Green.

The pair headed down where they enjoyed a slap up roast dinner with a view overlooking a very peaceful field. Not only was the meal great, but the company and conversation topped it off.

Care Assistant Claudia explained:
Violet has Dementia and never goes out. She was so happy to be spending the time doing something different that she smiled throughout the whole time that we were there.

Violet said that such a simple thing had really made her week and this was so touching to see.

As Violet has dementia, we printed out some photos for her to recall the lovely time that she had and also help to bring a conversation topic when she is with her family.
Care Manager Mel explained:
I love the fact that we can set aside some time to pay our Care Assistants to take individual customers out for free.

We do a lot more than just providing physical aspects of care for our customers and our outings make a big difference to their general wellbeing.

Not only did Violet have a lovely time, but so did Claudia and she particularly enjoyed doing something a little different.

We are now looking forward to arranging our next outing which will be in the coming few weeks!