Day Trip To Whitstable!

Published: 12/07/2018

This week we took a group of customers out for the day on a trip to Whitstable and had a great time! We were joined by a small group and headed down to the coast in cars, where we met at Sea View Cafe on the promenade. For our customers who joined, the day was really something special as they do not manage to spend much time away from the home.

This week we took a group of customers out for the day on a trip to Whitstable and had a great time! We were joined by a small group and headed down to the coast in cars, where we met at Sea View Cafe on the promenade.

A short trip to the local fish and trip shop was then followed by a really lovely meal of fish and chips which went down a treat. This was a particular treat for some customers who joined as they often had fish and chips when they were younger.

We then headed down to the harbour, where we had a stroll along the quay to a lovely tea room and tucked into an ice cream and cup of tea!

For our customers who joined, the day was really something special as they do not manage to spend much time away from the home.

Customer Ron, who is unable to go out too often because of his eyesight explained:
Today really was lovely. I very much enjoyed it and we were given good weather in the end!

I do go out, however generally only once or twice a week to the local shops, so heading to Whitstable was a really welcome break from the ordinary.

It was lovely to spend time with others and also get a lift as this enabled me to be able to come.
Care Manager Mel explained:
The trip was something that our customers really looked forward to and I am proud to have been able to arrange it.

I know that for all those who joined, the day was really special and something that they will remember for a long time.

One customer particularly enjoyed the day and commented to me that she was simply loving being out and about with others.

We did have one customer who was unfortunately unable to come, however as he was so looking forward to it we arranged for his regular Care Assistant to take him out for fish and chips local to his home.