Work Anniversaries!

Congratulations to our dedicated care assistants who have recently celebrated their work anniversary!


Congratulations to our dedicated care assistants who have recently celebrated their work anniversary!

We realise that we have missed a few work anniversaries, so here’s a big congratulations to the following Bluebird Care assistants:

Celebrating their one-year work anniversary is:

  • Sharon M (January)
  • Rosemary N (February)
  • Olivia G (February)
  • Emma B (April)
  • Vickie M (April)
  • Paul P (April)

Celebrating their two-year work anniversary is:

  • Jane G (February)
  • Selina S (March)

Celebrating their three-year work anniversary is:

  • Elke H (April)

Celebrating their four-year work anniversary is:

  • Angela C (January)
  • Elise W (February)
  • Claire M (April)

Celebrating their seven-year work anniversary is:

  • Jules T (January)

Thank you so much for all of your hard work and dedication to your roles and our customers. It doesn’t go unnoticed!

Each of our care assistants will receive a celebratory Bluebird Care work anniversary pin badge.