A Day In The Life Of A Care Assistant

Published: 22/04/2018

Working in care is an incredibly rewarding career. It gives the opportunity to make a difference and be involved in the lives of people whilst providing incredibly valuable support.   We wanted to give a small insight into a day in the life of a Care Assistant and are delighted to introduce you to our fictional Care Assistant Sarah, whose story we have shared here.

Working in care is an incredibly rewarding career. It gives the opportunity to make a difference and be involved in the lives of people whilst providing incredibly valuable support.
As a Community Care Assistant for Bluebird Care every day is different and as well as seeing many different faces, it gives the opportunity to visit many different locations!
We wanted to give a small insight into a day in the life of a Care Assistant and are delighted to introduce you to our fictional Care Assistant Sarah, whose story we have shared here:
I love the morning and arrive at my first customer, Mabel. I visit Mabel with a big smile on my face and help give her confidence with her washing, dressing and making breakfast.
I like to really engage with my customers and visit Mabel every morning. We have a very strong relationship and know each other really well. As well as providing support, we share about our day and have a great laugh!

I arrive at my next customer, Derek. Derek lives with his wife who is really lovely as well as being dedicated to providing support throughout the day.
I met a colleague when visiting Derek and we both help to hoist him from his bed, support him with his washing, dressing and make sure he is comfortable for the day.
I make Derek's breakfast whilst my colleague makes a cup of tea for his wife (she likes two sugars and her tea strong!). We strive to go the extra mile for our customers and think this is really important.

In my second to last call of the day I visit Terrance (who is a veteran air force pilot). I visit Terrance once a week to clean as he is a little unsteady on his feet.
Today is special for Terrance as it is his 90th birthday. The office let me know this, so I took him a card along with a triple layer chocolate cake (which is his favorite!).
Terrance has some great stories and he shared these with me as I cleaned round.

I only work mornings as it works really well for my childcare arrangements so this is my last visit of the day. I love this visit as it is really quite different each day! 
I visit Barbara, who has an early lunch. I checked what she wanted and made her a cheese sandwich along with a cup of tea. Today is Barbara's shopping day and I checked what she needed and popped out to the local store to purchase her some supplies. 
Barbara's family were visiting today so it was lovely to catch up with them also!

Right, I'm off for the day to resume my motherly duties and look after my daughter. We are off swimming this afternoon!
Being a Care Assistant is incredibly rewarding. We have very supportive and friendly team here at Bluebird Care Rother & Hastings and you can find out more about the vacancies that we have available here.