
Read our latest news hot off the press!

Showing results 82 - 90 (of 116)

Local care provider supports IBS awareness month this April

Local care provider supports IBS awareness month this April.


Bluebird Care South Gloucestershire supports National Deep-Vein Thrombosis Month 2019

This March, Bluebird Care South Gloucestershire is supporting national Deep-Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month.


Bluebird Care South Gloucestershire is supporting 2019’s Nutrition & Hydration Week

Bluebird Care South Gloucestershire is supporting this year’s Nutrition & Hydration Week which runs from 11th – 17th March 2019


Bluebird Care South Gloucestershire supports Rare Disease Day 2019

Bluebird Care South Gloucestershire is supporting Rare Disease Day on Thursday 28th February.


Bluebird Care (South Glos) Awarded Top Rating By CQC

We are delighted to announce that we have recently been inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), and they have found that we are an Outstanding Care Provider.


Christmas Coffee Morning for the Customers

Our latest coffee morning naturally had a festive theme, with carol singing from a local Primary School and many a mince pie!


Elf Day for the Alzheimer's Society

Bluebird Care spreads some Christmas cheer by discovering its inner Elf and raises over £100 for charity at the same time!


Coffee Morning for our Customers

Our service does not stop at just care in the home.  Where possible, it is always good to get out and about and do some socialising.  We now throw monthly coffee mornings to provide a space for a bit of a chin wag!


October Staff Meeting

With so many people running about all over the county all day, it is impossible to get everyone in one place at the same time, but this time we came close!


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