Diamond Quality Award

Bluebird Care Stratford & Warwick are the first in the National network to achieve the Diamond Quality Award


Bluebird Care Stratford & Warwick are the first in the National network to achieve the Diamond Quality Award

Bluebird Care Stratford & Warwick are extremely proud to announce that we have achieved the Diamond Quality Award in July 2024. Not only is this a magnificent achievement of it's own, we were also the very first Care service in our National network to be awarded it.

Following on from the Gold compliance award the Diamond Quality Award accreditation reflects the very highest standards in Adult Social Care being met. We have scored 100% across 32 Quality Standards, informed by the National Institute for health and Care Excellence (NICE).

These include the uppermost standards in Staff training and their personal development and career pathway, the team's contribution and collaboration in producing an excellent care service, high levels of customer and staff satisfaction, our leadership demonstrating exceptional best practice and building relationships and connections with partners (such as healthcare and educational establishments) in order to research and drive innovation in home care. 

It also recognises our dedication to promoting people's independence, cultural differences, autonomy, aspirations and potential in our care planning and delivery of care. It reflects our ability to support people to take positive risks so they may lead full lives and we promote and capture regular feedback and act upon it to learn lessons and drive improvements on a continual basis.

We are hugely proud of our care service, not only as a truly top quality provider of home care as a long term and sustainable way to remain at home safely and to live well but also as a viable career option that provides an incredible workplace for all of our staff team.

Our Operations & Registered Manager, Rebecca Weaver was delighted to be formally presented with the Diamond Quality Award by our company CEO, Jonathan Gardner and Director of Care, Quality & Compliance, Neil Murray at a Bluebird Care Awards ceremony in Bath on 10th July 2024.