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Wakefield & Kirklees

Preventing Falls at Home

Guidance on how you can prevent falls at home

Did you know that 3 million older people are treated in emergency departments for fall injuries yearly? Whether it's due to age or illness, older people are often a little less stable on their feet. This means they're more at risk than anyone of harming themselves during a nasty fall. Sometimes accidents are simply unavoidable, but there are a few ways you can try to eliminate the risks.

1 - Stay up to date with medication

With 1 out of 5 falls among older adults leading to serious injury, you must stay up to date with any recommended exercises or medication issued to you by your GP. By remaining consistent with these things, you'll reduce the risk of falls likely to hinder you further.

At Bluebird Care Wakefield and Kirklees, our Care Experts are able to remind you to do your daily exercises and even support you to do them if needed. This is a great option for those who are likely to forget.

2 - Remove hazards

Your home should be your safe space. You can't control things that may cause discomfort or difficulties outside. However, you could redesign your home to ensure you're always comfortable and safe. You can start by removing any potential trip hazards and ensuring there is substantial lighting around. There's also always the option of having grab bars and handrails fitted in places you find the most difficult to navigate.

3 - Don't be afraid to ask for help

Your family and friends are always there to help you. If you feel like you need a bit of support or even just someone to talk to, you should seek out someone you trust. Don't ever suffer in silence because this can cause more complications further down the line, physically and mentally. By asking for assistance when you need it you can lower your chances of accidents and falls.

If you don't have family nearby, then why not enlist the help of some friendly professionals? Our home care teams can provide you with the assistance and support you need, which can help give you the confidence to continue to live independently.

4 - Utilise equipment

If you have grab bars, a wheelchair, or any other specialist equipment – make sure you use them! These things are all there to assist and benefit you. Special tools like these are supposed to help you and alleviate some of your struggles, so there's no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed to use them. The more you get into the habit of using your equipment, the easier your life will inevitably become.

5 - Schedule and attend check-ups

Do you feel like your mobility has become worse over time? Make sure you book an appointment with your GP to discuss this. If you have trouble keeping to dates, you could invest in a diary to ensure you never miss an appointment. Your GP is there to help and advise you about any changes to your health, no matter how little or large they may be. They may be able to offer you certain medications to prevent you from causing further damage through falls and other preventable accidents.

Our Care Experts are trained to support you to make and attend appointments which is a big help for some of our customers that don't have family members around.

Sometimes falls are inevitable, but hopefully this article has given you some ideas as to how you can try to prevent them from happening within your own space.

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