Dignity Action Day 2017

Published: 01/02/2017

This year Bluebird Care Wakefield has supported Dignity Action Day 2017 by asking our Care Workers their opinions on why the ten Dignity do’s should be upheld.

To celebrate the work and raise awareness for Dignity Action Day, Bluebird Care Wakefield held a coffee and cake day at their office where Care Workers could pop in and chat about their work on upholding dignity. 

Dignity day of action 2017

The coffee and cake day turned out really well with lots of Care Workers coming in to show us their opinions and beliefs on the 10 dignity do’s. All of our Carers said that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity and should be treated the same way we would like to be treated ourselves. 

We would like to say a big well done and thank you to everyone who came down to this event and supported #DAD17. It was so nice to see so many people opinions on why dignity should be upheld at all times.