Mental Health Awareness Week 2021 10th - 16th May


The 10th May marks the start of Mental Health Awareness Week, here at Bluebird Care Wakefield & Kirklees we take mental health and well-being very seriously. We encourage all our staff to look after their mental well-being and have trained staff members who support everyone with this. 

Our director, Narinder, put together this wonderful document that focuses on maintaining your mental health and well-being during times of change and uncertainty. 


During this pandemic, millions of us have experienced a mental health problem, or seen a loved one struggle. And we’ve seen that the support we all need just isn’t out there. For them, for us and for you – we must take this chance to step up the fight for mental health. That means fighting for change, for fairness, for respect and for life-changing support.


In what has been a troubling past year for everyone, with a lot of people's mental health struggling to cope. But support is there and we urge any of our staff, customers and community to reach out to us here at Bluebird Care Wakefield & Kirklees if you feel comfortable doing so. 

Alternative contact Mind at:

Phone: 0300 123 3393

Post: Mind Infoline, PO Box 75225, London, E15 9FS

To ask them about:

  • mental health problems
  • where to get help near you
  • treatment options
  • advocacy services.