Dementia Insights: Adapting to Dementia

Adapting to dementia is a challenge for both the individual affected and their family and friends.

Adapting to dementia is a challenge for both the individual affected and their family and friends. The initial diagnosis can be very difficult to absorb and move on from. Feelings of helplessness and fears for the future are common reactions.

However, a lot of work has been done on how to maintain a meaningful lifestyle and there are a number of recognised methods of retaining a positive outlook.

Here are just a handful of the most effective ways of coping:

1/ Reading about other people with dementia.

There are numerous blogs about dementia. Dementia Diaries ( gives a voice to people with dementia through more than three thousand audio and video diaries and is a rich source of insight and inspiration. The Alzheimer’s Society runs another excellent and varied blog, with lots of real-life insight, plus some really positive pieces on the search for a cure and much more ( Let’s Talk About Dementia is a long-running blog run by Alzheimer’s Scotland and is another big resource of stories about dementia from many angles (

2/ Using recognised coping strategies

These include establishing good sleep patterns, with lots of daylight and exercise in the daytime, avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the evening and a good sleeping environment at bedtime, all underpinned with a solid routine. Good nutrition and drinking habits, again with an emphasis on routine and quality. Support and understanding from carers: carers should be well-versed in the principles of supporting a person with dementia – simple things like being reassuring and understanding if anxiety is a problem; not challenging repetitious behaviour or questioning, but instead gently discussing issues and trying to identify underlying themes or anxieties, which can be softened with reassurance.

3/ spending time with the people you love

One of the most reassuring things to do is to spend time with friends, family and people you love. Quiet, calming and familiar environments – favourite chairs in familiar rooms – add to the general sense of reassurance and familiarity, which can be very comforting.

4/ continuing to do the things that really matter to you

Continuing to pursue favourite activities and hobbies is a great way to both calm and reassure and individual. Listen to favourite music and dancing to familiar tunes can work very well.  Don’t dismiss the idea of developing new interests or trying activities which appeal but which you’ve never previously got round to. Again, being absorbed and involved is a good place to be.

5/ Participating in research into dementia

A dementia diagnosis can lead to a sense of being helpless or not in control. One of the best ways of coping this is to take positive action and by participating in research about the condition,. There are opportunities to do this online through the Alzheimer’s Society website, where there’s a page ( dedicated to the subject.

Social & Support Links

You can find local memory cafés (also known as a dementia café), on the Alzheimer's Society website – meet other people with dementia and their carers in an informal drop-in setting to share advice, tips and support

Song: Try the Singing for the Brain groups run by the Alzheimer’s Society – singing is known to improve mood and wellbeing and is also great fun

The Alzheimer's Society offers support near you and Age UK offers social activities for what's available in your area.

Home Care

If you need more support, following your dementia diagnosis, home care can help. Living in your own home is the preferred option of many people with dementia and has obvious benefits in helping you to maintain a familiar environment and day-to-day routine. At Bluebird, we offer a full range of home care, from occasional visits, through to live-in care and respite care. Find out more on our website: /

How to find the right care for you or your relative

1. Find your local office

Bluebird Care delivers care from locally based offices, find yours to start your care journey today.

2. Get in touch with us

Fill in our call back form or give us a call to find out how we can help you.

3. Assessment

We’ll come out to you to find out what you or your loved one needs to help stay independent at home.

4. Care team chosen & care starts

You'll be cared for by our specially trained team to support you to remain at home for as long as possible.

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