
Showing results 316 - 324 (of 532)

Tracey Crouch MP Visit

Tracey Crouch MP, the government minister with responsibility for reducing loneliness in the community, has praised our new hospital visits service during a visit to a customer.   We launched our hospital visits service to provide companionship and support to its customers when they are in hospital, in order to reduce feelings of isolation, loneliness and anxiety.


Taking Joan Out For Lunch

As part of our ongoing commitment to delivering a premium service for our customers, we regularly take customers on free outings and recently arranged for Care Assistant Claire to take her regular customer Joan for lunch to her local Toby Carvery.


Celebrating With Our Staff - Jolanta

We take every opportunity to celebrate with our staff and recently celebrated with Care Assistant Jolanta, who marked her second anniversary with us!


Celebrating With Our Staff - Danielle reaches 3rd anniversary

We are delighted to have recently celebrated with Care Assistant Danielle who marked her third work anniversary with us!


Recognising Our Staff's Achievements - Bozenna

We are delighted to have recently celebrated with Bozenna, who has passed her probation with us!


Taking Our Outing To Ruth

Every other month we organize an outing to help make a difference to our customers in many ways. This may be in the form of an outing or other treat which fulfill some form of dream. We recently arranged for Care Assistant Maureen to visit customer Ruth and rather than going out, Ruth chose to enjoy some fish & chips.


Customer Outing With Nicola

We recently arranged for Care Assistant Jolanta to spend some time with customer Nicola over a cup of tea and slice of cake! Our customer outings are a great opportunity for Care Assistants to enjoy some time with our customers and we are proud to arrange them every other month throughout the year.


Celebrating 100 With Jack

Customer Jack, A World War 2 veteran has become Maidstone's newest centenarian and we made sure that his birthday was celebrated in style. Jack lives in Harrietsham with his son John and daughter-in-law Marie, was treated to a surprise visit and birthday cake by Care Supervisors Hannah and Tanya.


Awarding Our Community Grant

We are proud to have provided Maidstone Community First Responders in our first £500 Community Grant for 2018! ​The grant will be used to purchase vital medical equipment including defibrillators to equip their volunteers when attending 999 calls.


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