Family carer support
Providing guidance on Family carer support
Providing care and support to a loved one creates many rewarding moments. However, it can also bring significant challenges. Knowing your rights as a carer and the types of support available can help you to stay on top, both practically and emotionally.
Caring for family and friends
We understand how difficult it can be we've made some suggestions to help you navigate through some of the challenges you are likely facing.
Financial support
As a carer you may be entitled to a range of benefits, some of which are will depend upon the amount of your income and the essential expenses that you have.
The carers experience
Whilst being a carer can be a wonderful experience, it often means making significant adjustments to your lifestyle in order to provide necessary domiciliary care.
Find your local care provider
East Midlands
East of England
Greater London
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Northern Ireland
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South West
West Midlands
Yorkshire and the Humber
East Midlands
East of England
Greater London
North East
North West
Northern Ireland
South East
South West
West Midlands
Yorkshire and the Humber
Help & guidance
We can assist you in understanding the different types of care, explain funding options, and offer advice on aging well. We're here for you.
Real people,
real care
Family carer support stories
We have helped thousands of people feel like themselves
Hear how Bluebird Care has empowered customers across the UK to live life on their terms.