
Showing results 28 - 36 (of 107)

Bluebird Care North Hampshire Shortlisted for Two Prestigious Home Care Awards

Bluebird Care North Hampshire has been shortlisted in the Live-in Care Expertise and the Recruitment, Retention and Staff Motivation Expertise categories at the 2021 Home Care Awards.


We are being vaccinated

95% of our team have now had their first vaccinations and we’re immensely proud of them.


Safe At Home

Bluebird Care is passionate about keeping their customers safe, secure and happy in their own homes.


Bluebird Care Launches First National TV Campaign

Bluebird Care has recently launched its first ever national TV campaign. The advert debuted on 27th December.


2020 Care Awards

This is the 3rd year we have run the carer awards – Due to COVID-19 restrictions we must improvise but we are still determined to recognise our wonderful care assistants even if it is remotely


Delivering Festive Shoe Boxes To Customers

Bluebird Care have delivered shoe boxes with festive treats to customers who will not be seeing family this Christmas.


Care Assistant Crochets Poppies for Bluebird Care Customers

Sammie realised due to Covid-19 restrictions usual poppy sellers will not be going door to door this November, and so she decided to make ones


Delivering home and live-in care on the frontline during the COVID19 pandemic

Bluebird Care gives Observer readers a valuable insight in to what it’s been like delivering a home and live-in care service to vulnerable people in their own homes during 2020


‘Above and Beyond’- Saying Thank You to Care Assistants

Bluebird Care North Hampshire and West Berkshire gifted their Care Assistants with surprise chocolate cards that say ‘Above and Beyond’.


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